Thursday, May 22, 2014

Studies - Kingdom of Heaven

A trio of studies i did off screens from Ridley Scott's magnificent Kingdom of Heaven.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Narcissistic Self Study

Oh yes, all regal and ceasar like. No?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Boat study

Did a study on one of the photos that served as inspiration for the colorful fishing boat.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Colorful fishing boat

Found my fishing boat sketches from last year and felt like throwing some color on one of them.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Ashen - Tower

Here it is: the full Ashen suite. Set in near-future India, a cascade of meteorites and the volcanic chaos they caused have covered great swathes of the Earth in ash. What remains of the human race has taken shelter within the sealed tombs of civilization, nursing the faltering embers of culture and society.

Ashen - Main entrance

With most of the tower hermetically sealed, the few gateways are closely guarded and maintained. The building's air conditioning systems have been rigged to filter the outside air and supply its inhabitants with a breathable atmosphere.

Ashen - Homecoming

Perched on the doorstep, the scavenger pilot and his lumbering vehicle turn left to the forge, skirting the vibrancy of civilization.

Ashen - Forge

The scavenged materials are siphoned into silos for further sorting and processing at the lower levels. The pilot gets paid for his scavenge.

Ashen - Exophant

A closer look at the scavenger's elephantine vehicle. Twin vacuuming engines mounted at the rear suck up valuable metals and other trace elements interspersed with the ash. The findings are then carried back to civilization in two shoulder-mounted tanks. Controlling the entire thing is a lone pilot, sheltered from the harsh environment within an underslung cockpit container.